Volunteer Opportunities
We are happy to announce that we are back to using Ministry Scheduler Pro for our Liturgical Minister scheduling. To access your schedule online visit https://www.rotundasoftware.com/ministry/St_Edward_Church
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Eucharistic Ministers assist the presider in distributing the Eucharist on weekends, holy days, and holidays. They must be Confirmed and members of the parish. Eucharistic Ministers are asked to serve every three weeks. If you are interested in serving as a Eucharistic Minister, please contact Anita McCabe at (804) 864-4712.
Lectors: Lectors effectively proclaim the Word of God and read the General Intercessions at parish Eucharistic celebrations and special liturgies. Training and a lector workbook are provided. If you are interested in serving as a lector for our parish, please contact Anita McCabe at (804) 864-4712.
Altar Ministers: Altar Ministers assist the presider and other liturgical ministers during the liturgy. Altar Ministers must be Confirmed and members of the parish. If you are interested in serving as an altar minister, please contact Tony Bell at (804) 560-1977.
Altar Servers: Boys and girls (4th grade through 8th grade) are invited to become altar servers. If you would like to learn more about this worthwhile ministry, call or email Joan Nelson at (804) 864-4708.
Sacristans: Sacristans prepare the bread, wine, vessels, and linens for the liturgy, as well as clean and store them for the next liturgy. For more information, contact Anita McCabe at (804) 864-4712 or via email.
Ministers of Hospitality: Ushers/Greeters are a visible and welcoming presence at our liturgies. They greet parishioners and visitors as they enter the Commons and distribute the worhip aides. They also seat people as necessary, lend assistance to those with special needs, take up the collection, and facilitate the flow of Communion lines. After each liturgy, they distribute the Bulletins and pick up any worship aides left in the pews. They serve approximately every 3 weeks at the liturgy of their choice. If you would like to help with the hospitality ministry, please contact Robert Kelly at (804) 231-0629.
Linen Committee: The Linen Committee is an at-home ministry. You launder the altar linens and return to the church by the next weekend. You serve approximately 4 times a year. If you would like more information or to volunteer for the linen committee, please contact Joyce Hughes at (804) 272-7269.
Catechists/Aides/Classroom Helpers: There is always a need for Religious Education teachers and aides. Children of catechists and aides are given preferential placement in class and the fee is waived. To volunteer contact Peggy Byers at (804) 864-4714.
If you have some time to share and ask “Is it I Lord?,” we could use your gifts in the Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick and Homebound. Email Anita McCabe or call her at (804) 864-4712 for more information on this beautiful outreach and expression of Christ’s love to those who can’t always be present with us.
YOUTH CHOIR (Wednesdays 5-6pm) is our children's choir for students in grades 2 through 5. Liz Goodwin and Mary Beth Schutte teach the children vocal technique through singing games and songs while preparing them to sing for liturgies and special events. Youth Choir sings at 8:45 liturgies once each month from September through May.
SCHOLA (Wednesdays 5:30-6:30pm) is a refined choral group of Middle and High School voices. Schola sings twice monthly at the 8:45 mass as well as for special events. Many Schola members are cantors for our liturgies.For more information contact Liz Goodwin 864-4717
SPIRIT SONG is for Middle School through Young Adults and sings for the 5pm Sunday Mass. Come join the lively bunch in the back of the church! This group is led by Deacon Bob Ewan.
ST. EDWARD ADULT CHOIR is our SATB choir for High School through retired Adults. This choir, under the direction of Liz Goodwin, sings a variety of repertoire and has a longstanding tradition of excellence. The Adult Choir sings at the 11:15 liturgy every Sunday from September through May.
INSTRUMENTALISTS add strength, beauty and texture to our sound. All ages and abilities are welcome. Professionally skilled soloists also play at different liturgies each weekend.
HANDBELLS add a beautiful sound to our liturgies on Christmas Eve, during Triduum, and a few Sundays throughut the year.. Led for over 10 years by Mary Beth Schutte, this multi-aged group continues to expand its repertoire and proficiency.
BELLES & BEAUX bring joyful music to local Senior Communities twice each month. This warm and welcoming group also enhances the music at funeral liturgies